Grunge Blog

Grunge blog in a Partisan Media

If you dislike them all; you can only hate on rare and meaningful occasions.

Any Movie Besides “Anyone But You”

How? How does so many people like a such garbage? Objectively, the movie was poor: bad plot development, poor inciting incident, terrible acting (even from well known actors), awkward cussing (seemed out of place like every line was written by a sex fueled millennial), everyone was smoking joints (don’t they all vape now?), the script…

Dystopian China & the W.H.O.

There is no need for alarm. The Wuhan Corona Virus does not transfer from human to human. This is the claim that China TOLD the WHO and the WHO regurgitated this obvious lie on February 3rd 2020. I tried to google “WHO february 3 tweet” and every thing google provided in the search engine was…

An Autocrat and Tech-Titans

The impeachment proceedings were said to be dead upon arrival, due to claims it was policy not a constitutional nor a law violation, but none the less partisan bickering over the clearly visible keeps a wide cleavage separate and ugly like a back yard Brazilian boob job. Now Iowa seems to be a capsized political debacle.

          The results are in after the Iowa Caucus and the results are thus: Tech-Titans steal another election. It is Microsoft’s turn to screw it up (Teledex has been shown by white-cap hackers to be full of issues ranging all the way to real time vote changing) and no hanging chad here, just Steve Ballmer CEO of Microsoft, and a faulty app that is counting the caucus votes (or has counted?). Its ok though, Ballmer is a friend and has said friendly things; He wants to share data with the government to create great laws, logical laws and a better society. Tough break he chose to use electronic voting with vulnerable smartphones avoiding the fact that information via the web is only as limited as its limitations. Poor connection. Thieves of ignorance, ignorance creating thieves.

          With such startling vulnerabilities why would the DNC elect to use an untested voting app for the Iowa caucus? Are they not scared of Russian hackers? Or will it be like the 2016 primaries when Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Shultz performed Houdini-esk voter fraud by LEGALLY kicking out Bernie Sanders? Is Hillary somehow going to get the nomination? I think not, but who is to say the results won’t be altered, haven’t been altered, in favor of the bitter Kraken Clinton foundation?

          Bill is in hiding most of the time, most likely on withdrawal symptoms from forgoing relieving and reviling sexual acts (head in the oval office is bad but not vile) that gave him the boot. Meanwhile, the dead Epstein may have had the information to take down at least one Clinton and some say even the Trump-ocrat; however, Trump banned the Frankenstein-pedophile who tried to cure cancer and create a super human Epstein army; well Trump banned him for sexual assault, not for the new aged Frankenstein Genetics and rape gig . Perhaps he grabbed the wrong pussy.

          Trump only likes of age models and porn-stars, if information is enough to purport truth, but the Trump-ocrat’s booming economy is not reflective of his indecipherable tweets; Kansas City won the Super Bowl and yet Trump praised Kansas and not Missouri for the win. A shared city. Kansas more Republican? Will Trump draw new state line bumping out Missouri? Should both sates get the win?

          Tweet-economics. How that vast landscape can change instantly; it is said to be Trump’s fault for firing, and filling policies and peoples via Twitter. All the American people want is an election free from corruption that they disagree with. Bi-partisan hope for a fair trial is dead. The spirit of meritocracy is dead. The American people are a group of tribalist and anti-tribalist monkeys craving power, beneficial corruption and the fruits of their bickering has help create Tech-Titan’s controlling information, elections and emotions while also helping a socially defiant Trump act in a way the US has not seen since the invention of the TV.

          Truth is a stupid abstraction in a digital age. Liberty is not sought after by the left liberals; if anything it’s given away to secure certain benefits; the right conservatives like to hear just enough information forging the rest. Left wants all the facts, but will only believe what it wants. The right only wants enough facts to make what they call a good decision.

          The medium is Greek. The controlling actors are Titans that murder words and delete jobs with code and algorithms. The leader must be helped; the president is only a danger if he is said to be a Danger. Killing women and children in true Godfather mob fashion at a wedding is permissible, but rooting out corruption and making it public is worthy of impeachment; if the corrupt are our own—the caveat.

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